Weight Loss Surgery May Cut Diabetes Risks, Says Study

Weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, is used to treat people who are dangerously obese. Leaving the fact that it is for people who are extremely obese, other people are also using the bariatric surgery to get in the desired shape. There are many types of weight loss surgery available depending on the amount of fat percentage you want to surgically remove from the body and their effects on your body. While many of us are afraid to let the needle surgically remove all the excess body fat, bariatric…

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Lose Belly Fat and Pear-Shaped Body Type to Cut Risks of Diabetes

One of every five men and women in India is obese or overweight. While a few prefer to work out on extra body fat to develop a nice physique, medical surgery for weight loss is also a feasible option for some. Weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, is used to treat people who are dangerously obese. Although surgical removing of fat is an unconventional way of becoming fit yet a bariatric surgery has become a choice for the lazier half. Leaving the fact that it is for people who…

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The Shocking Story of Toxic Fast Food Packaging and Its Cancer Risks

As much convenient as fast food is to quickly take care of the hunger pangs when they kick in (besides these foods also being lip-smacking and delicious) they are not at all good for our health in the long run. Sure, we all love those greasy burgers, crunchy fries, salted snacks, and packaged treats, but the fact is that can do severe harm to our body if we are not careful. Even when you head to the supermarket, you shouldn’t just pick up anything and everything. The practice of reading…

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A Diet Rich in Fruits and Vegetables Outweighs The Risks of Pesticides

When you shop for groceries, do you carry a copy of the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen,” list with you? It’s a list of the 12 vegetables and fruits with the most pesticides, and some people only buy organic versions of the items on the list. It’s the companion piece to the “Clean Fifteen,” which showcases the 15 options with the least pesticides. These annual reports generate a lot of media coverage, and their presence seems to influence our grocery shopping habits. But research shows that the lists – which…

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Weight-Lifting Exercises May Cut Risks of Heart Disease, Diabetes

Your new year resolution of hitting the gym to indulge in some weight lifting exercises may not only help you tone those muscles, but also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as Type 2 diabetes, researchers say. The findings showed that resistance-based interval training exercise – a simple leg exercises, involving weights — improved blood vessel function of individuals with and without diabetes. “Individuals with Type 2 diabetes are up to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those without,” said Jonathan Little, Assistant Professor at…

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It’s not all in the Genes: Clean Living can cut Heart Risks

Clean living can slash your risk for heart disease even if your genes are heavily stacked against you. A large study finds that people with the most inherited risk cut their chances of having a heart attack or other heart problems in half if they didn’t smoke, ate well, exercised and stayed slim. The opposite also is true: You can largely trash the benefit of good genes with unhealthy habits. “DNA is not destiny, and you have control,” said the study leader, Dr. Sekar Kathiresan, genetic research chief at Massachusetts…

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