Why do sweet things stop tasting so after we eat anything sugary

You had a doughnut and topped it with a cup of cappuccino, which suddenly tasted plain despite two sachets of sugar. This has sometime happened with all of us when something sweet ceases to taste sweet when had after something sugary. Here we decode why this happens. First let us understand how our brain functions. Our sensory organs receive sensory information from the brain and the body acts on these messages. Once your brain becomes accustomed to a constant signal, it tends to ignore it, and focuses on looking for…

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Want to Lose Weight? Cut These 5 Things Out of Your Diet This Second

Losing weight can be tough. You want to slim down, but unless you have the stamina to dedicate the next few months to your body, you’ll also want to maintain a social life, which means cocktails after work and an occasional slice of pizza late at night. Most of us wake up, look at ourselves in the mirror, and decide that it’s time to make a change and lose weight. That change typically means better eating and more regular workouts, but it isn’t foolproof. There will be days when things…

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Types of Dandruff: Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying an Anti-Dandruff Product

Hush yourself and look away from that swanky black shirt or your stunning little black dress as dandruff can get ruthless. The little white flakes can wreak havoc, putting you in an embarrassing situation in a social gathering. And besides depriving you of an exciting wardrobe, dandruff can cause itchy scalp, making it hard for you to manage on a day-to-day basis.Dandruff is often attributed to poor hygiene and/or improper diet. In most cases it results from the flaking of scalp triggered due to dryness. Dietary nourishment as well as…

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7 Things You Should Do Regularly to Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common lifestyle diseases in the world. India is among the top three countries with about 64.5 million people affected by diabetes till last year. Moreover, it has been predicted that diabetes will be the 7th largest killer in the world by 2030.  Diabetes is a chronic disease with no known cure and the medication available only helps in keeping the blood sugar levels as close to normal to avoid other health complications. But you should know that you can reduce the risk of diabetes…

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5 things people with hidden depression may do

5 things people with hidden depression may do If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth, said Abraham Lincoln, who often wrote about his depression. Depression can be one of the hardest and most misunderstood things to deal with. Despite many attempts which have been made to single out an explanation, one outdoes the other. Though generalizing symptoms of a severe condition such as depression is hard, we have penned down a few of these, which…

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Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Chikungunya: Things You Must Know

While the capital city, along with many parts of the country, grapples with the rising instance of dengue, experts signal the outbreak of another mosquito-transmitted disease – chikungunya. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines it as, “A mosquito-borne viral disease first described during an outbreak in southern Tanzania in 1952. The name ‘chikungunya’ derives from a word in the Kimakonde language, meaning “to become contorted”, and describes the stooped appearance of sufferers with joint pain (arthralgia).” According to the WHO and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, a person…

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