6 Immunity-Boosting Foods for Kids This Monsoon

While we want to make the most of the rainy season, the thought of catching infections and flu persistently lurks at the back of the mind and the concern grows even greater when it comes to children. Children with their developing immunity system are especially prone to catching such infections in this weather. The damp weather makes them susceptible to many diseases which are commonly associated with the monsoon season like cold and flu, throat infections and stomach problems. According to Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood, “During the monsoon season, your immunity goes down as…

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Prenatal Alcohol Exposure to Alcohol and Stress May Make Kids Aggressive

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a debatable topic. While some believe that you must completely avoid alcohol and also smoking cigarettes during pregnancy, some say that an occasional drink may be alright. But a new study, conducted by researchers from King’s College London and the University of Bristol, clearly indicates that consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes and exposure to stress can cause certain epigenetic changes at birth that can make the child more prone to aggressive behaviour. Epigenetic changes refer to external modifications to the DNA that turn the genes ‘on’ or…

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Smartphones and TV Watching Can Put Kids at Diabetes Risk

Almost every child of this generation is guilty for spending too much time in front of screens such as TV, mobiles, tablets, etc. We are glued to the screens so often that it has ceased to be just another technology but one of the most significant elements in our lives. While we are all aware of its repercussions on our eyes and brain, our dependence is such that we cannot live without them. And our children are only taking after us. Endless apps, TV series, films, social media activities are…

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Shocking: Zero Pollution and Clean Water May Increase Asthma Risk in Kids

Pollution has almost become a way of life, particularly in India. We are so used to it that we don’t think of it as a serious threat to our lives. The capital city New Delhi is considered to be the most polluted city in the world, and the consequences of it are evident with cases of respiratory diseases going up rapidly over the years. It is a serious concern and we need to make a conscious effort to prevent its health risks. Perhaps packing our bags and heading to a…

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Sodas, Pizzas and Other Junk Food May Put Kids at Liver Disease Risk

Junk food is deliciously addictive, there’s no denying that fact. Munching on wafers, masala snacks, toffees and candies could make you happy, but don’t just fall for the taste trap. They contain nothing but empty calories, and can cause harm to your health. The shocking truth is also that these junk food come laced with artificial flavours, colours, preservatives and what not that you can’t be certain of what you are putting into your mouth. Foods like pizzas and burgers do contain veggies, meat and other nutritious ingredients but try…

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Delaying Pregnancy Till Age 35 May Make Your Kids Smarter

Living the life of a working woman is not easy. While you are trying to build your career to make a name in the competitive world, your family members seem to be more concerned about when you will marry, settle down and have kids. This is a common debate in various households across the country. You just don’t get to hear the end of the drawbacks of late marriage and late motherhood, and that biological clock which keeps ticking. Life decisions such as marriage and motherhood can’t be made under…

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