8 Weird Facts About Apples We’re Sure You Won’t Know

No, I am not going to repeat the same old phrase that an apple a day keeps… you know the rest! But there are some very interesting facts about the humble apple that you may have not known. This juicy red fruit which most of us consume on a day to day basis has so many secrets. Start by knowing these eight weird facts about apple. 1. Why do apples float? Apples can float because 25% of their volume is nothing but air. This air makes it become less dense than water.…

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6 Home Remedies for Gas That Are Sure to Give Relief

A gassy stomach can strike anytime and can be very embarrassing, to say the least. It is actually quite a painful experience often leading to stomach cramps, bloating, heaviness and heartburn. Medically known as flatulence, it is a condition where excess gas gets collected in your digestive tract. But to deal with the problem, it’s first crucial to understand why it occurs. Gas can collect in your digestive system in two ways. While eating or drinking, you swallow the air that causes the oxygen and nitrogen to enter your body.…

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Facial Yoga? sure, those 7 Ridiculously easy physical games Will narrow Your Face and Wipe Out Wrinkles

Yoga, the age old discipline has been the buzzword for a healthier way of life for pretty some time now. however do you understand what else has been spreading via the digital global like a lovable cat video? Facial Yoga. Ms. Seema Sondhi, founder of The Yoga Studio, says, “There are about fifty two muscle tissue to your face, and exercising them enables launch facial anxiety, neck and eye stress”. “The muscle tissues of the face are not any different from the muscular tissues of the rest of the body.…

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How to mention ‘sure’ to ‘No’…

whether or not it is weddings, circle of relatives features or simply dinner with buddies, food is often tied to a number of social responsibilities. it is difficult to say no while someone offers meals. they will feel awful, insulted, if it’s a wedding… The intention of eating is to feel better, not guilty, afterwards. if you devour below pressure, you do not enjoy your meals or stick with your health dreams. How does one tackle such conditions? we have devised some processes to confront these tricky conditions put together…

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