A New Era Of Remote Healthcare Technology

Around the world, legions of selfless healthcare professionals have demonstrated their commitment and resilience in awe-inspiring ways. As we watch them and thank them, what can we — the rest of the world — learn about resiliency and agility? We have already grown used to the images of front-line medical professionals covered head to toe in masks and gowns. What we don’t see as much is that while they toil to help their patients survive, they simultaneously communicate and work together to develop new ideas for diagnoses, treatment and care.…

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Xiaomi’s in-display camera technology explained: A clever transparent glass makes notches history

ust a few days ago, Xiaomi came up with a solution that every smartphone manufacturer has been wanting for years – achieve a true fullscreen bezel-less display. No, Xiaomi hasn’t come up with another weird motorised camera solution to make this happen. This time, it’s the rear deal – the camera is truly under the display like other sensors and the phone achieves an uninterrupted display without a motorised camera. In a short teaser video, Xiaomi showed the concept in reality by comparing a concept device with the in-display camera…

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New framework looks at how technology is changing our cities

The Urban Land Institute, a non-profit grop creating sustainable communities, has launched an Urban Technology Framework to help cities advance into the next generation. The Urban Technology Framework has identified 12 current trends that will shape metropolitan hubs, the group said. This in turn, will help developers and architects who are responsible for delivering future cities. Key tech trends include 3D printing transforming the way we build, and the Internet of Things (IoT) progressing smart buildings from stationary structures to machines. Digitalisation will transform business models, causing the existing sharing economy to…

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Has Technology Taken the Fun out of Photography?

Technology is a locomotive moving full speed ahead. From the creation of the first digital SLR almost two decades ago to the mirrorless revolution, the progression of technology in photography has made the craft more accessible, affordable, and reliable than ever. However, even with all of this progress, I can’t help but feel that we’ve lost a little something along the way. The Soul of a Hobby Although many of us shoot professionally, the vast majority of photographers out there do it for the fun of it. Even those of us…

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These South African jobs will disappear as technology takes over

The National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) has released a new report looking at how the fourth industrial revolution is set to hit jobs in the country. Overall, respondents were of the opinion that automation, globalisation and demographic change could have a significant impact on their industries, causing some jobs and activities to disappear, while creating opportunities for new jobs and activities to emerge. “The speed and depth of technology adoption drives business growth, new job creation and the need for augmentation of existing jobs, provided it can fully leverage the…

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Audi technology helps green light surfers.

Clever drivers can watch the pedestrian walk signals to guess when an intersection traffic light will change from red to green, but Audi drivers can use a new communications technology in large urban areas to know how fast to drive to catch green lights without needing to stop. The technology, known as Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory, uses vehicle-to-infrastructure communication to recommend the ideal speed for drivers to “surf a green wave” and reduce the number of times they must stop for lights. Audi launched the technology in 2016 in…

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