6 Unhealthy Foods That Are Actually Good For You

Who doesn’t want to lead a healthy life? There are so many diets and healthy lifestyle tips that keep doing the rounds that we try and modify our routine to lead the best kind of life. Diet, of course, plays a crucial role in our well-being. What we eat and what we choose to avoid affects our health more than we realise it on a day-to-day basis. With all sorts of information available online these days, there are many times we get fooled into believing fad diets, and avoid foods that may in fact be not…

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Stuck in a 9-5 desk job? Beware, as sitting for too long can cancel out benefits of exercise

No matter how much you exercise, you definitely need to take a ‘movement break’ every half an hour. According to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, sitting for excessively long periods of time is a risk factor for early death. There’s a direct relationship between time spent sitting and your risk of early mortality of any cause, researchers said, based on a study of nearly 8,000 adults. As your total sitting time increases, so does your risk of an early death. The positive news: People who sat for…

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Guys! Here’s your body grooming guide that you’ve been waiting for

Marco Asensio, the young Spanish footballer, who plays for the Spanish club Real Madrid, is a rising football star. Recently, he has been making headlines for his stunning match day performances in Spanish La Liga (Spanish Football League). However, few days back he was making headlines. But this time it was for non-footballing reasons. Asensio missed a match because of a pimple on his leg. The pimple was so bad that it prevented him from pulling up his socks. If you think this is bizarre then wait till you hear…

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Dear parents, watch out for these 9 signs that indicate your kid needs an eye test

With the proliferation of screens in our lives – phone screen, tablets, Kindles, computers – television isn’t the only source of eye strain for kids and adults. But, unlike in case of adults, it is harder to gauge when children develop vision issues. “More often than not, vision problems go unnoticed until children begin school,” said associate professor of Ophthalmology Marcela Frazier, “Children grow up naturally adapting to vision issues, so when they get into school and start reading and learning, that is when parents and teachers begin to notice…

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Get Ready for EmTech MIT 2017

It’s hard to believe that our flagship technology event is gearing up for its 17th year this November. I feel lucky to say that this will be my sixth time attending EmTech MIT. Being present at EmTech each year is a privilege; it’s great to bear witness to the possibilities for the future at this wide technological crossroads. Recommended for You The UN Says the Global Digital Divide Could Become a Yawning Chasm Who Will Build the Health-Care Blockchain? A Carbon-Fiber Cage Could Crash-Proof Drone Delivery A Material That Throws…

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Govt launches free contraceptive shots for women

Once every three months, women in the age group of 18-45 years will be given contraceptive injections free of cost at all state-run primary health centres and hospitals, state health minister C Vijaya Baskar said, launching the centrally-funded ‘Antara’ scheme at the Egmore Women and Children hospital on Thursday. Recommended By Colombia The depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) injection -added to the present basket of options such as condoms, intra-uterine devices, oral pills, morning-after pills and sterilisation procedures for men and women -contains the birth control hormone progestogen and is promoted…

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