Use Nutrition to Ward off Winter Blues

Physical disorders can negatively affect a person’s mental condition, so experts recommend ingesting sufficient nutrients to stimulate the brain and other parts of the body to maintain mental health. Vitamins tend to be a doctor’s first recourse as nutrients that are good for improving mental condition. A number of studies have established that vitamin D and folic acid help deal with depression. Vitamin D is produced when provitamin D, a substance contained in the skin, is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. In winter, when exposure to sunlight is shorter,…

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Having an Off Day at the Gym? Listen to Your Body and Lay Off

You’re at the gym for a weightlifting session. But something feels off. You’re not a beginner and want to get your workout in for the day, but your body isn’t responding positively to the movement. Or you’re an experienced runner, and your body can’t keep up with the pace at which you started while on a training run. You want to achieve a high level of exertion and are unsure how fast or slow you should go. How do you make sense of what your body is telling you? Autoregulation…

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Slim Down Forever: 6 Expert Tips To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

Have you ever heard of a weight loss story that goes – “After just two weeks of a healthy diet, I have achieved my dream size and never looked back”?To make lasting changes to your body, you need to pick up a sensible, sustainable plan that you can follow forever. Of course, there would be a birthday, a wedding, Diwali and thus indulgence, but it’s important to take a U-turn and come back to the plan. You need a way of eating that you can sustain in the long run-…

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Eating Fish May Ward Off Allergies In Kids

Women who consume oily fish while pregnant or during breast-feeding may decrease the risk of their children developing food allergies, asthma, eczemas or hay fever, researchers have found. The findings have showed that children introduced to fish and eggs — major source of omega 3 fatty acids — before 11 months of age had a lower risk of developing allergies. “Fish intake in the family seems to reduce the risk of allergies,” said Karin Jonsson from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, in a statement. Kids who eat fish, eggs…

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Wilson’s disease drug goes off the shelves

Wilson’s disease drug goes off the shelves A life-saving medicine D-Penicillamine, used in treatment of Wilson’s disease, is unavailable across the country, jeopardising lives of many patients. The shortage, primarily caused because of short supply of raw material used in the drug, prompted the drug regulator to call for an urgent meeting on Friday with five manufacturers of the drug. Wilson’s disease is a rare genetic disorder that prevents the body from getting rid of extra copper. The accumulation of copper may damage liver, brain, kidneys and eyes. D-Penicillamine is…

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Eat oranges to ward off heart disease, diabetes risk

Eat oranges to ward off heart disease, diabetes risk (Getty Images) Higher intake of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can help keep you healthy as well as prevent harmful effects of obesity-related heart disease, liver disease and diabetes, a study has found. Citrus fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants, a class of which are called flavanones. When humans consume a high-fat diet, they accumulate fat in their bodies. Fat cells produce excessive reactive oxygen species, which can damage cells in a process called oxidative stress. These oxidative stress coupled…

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