Dear women, eat more fruits and veggies daily to keep stress away

  The study found that women who ate five-to-seven servings of fruit and vegetables daily had a 23% lower risk of stress. Does your routine, responsibilities and work issues stress you out? Eat more fruits and veggies. A study says people, especially women, who eat five-to-seven servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day are at a lower the risk of psychological stress. The findings, published in the British Medical Journal Open, indicate that people, who ate five-to-seven daily servings of fruits and vegetables had a 14% lower risk of…

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Prebiotics May Help You Beat Stress and Get Good Sleep

What are prebiotic really? Are they a food fad? While people were just about warming up to the concept of probiotics, there suddenly came in prebiotics claiming to be better than the other. Gut bacteria or probiotics need to feed on certain fibers in order to perform better and help improve your gut environment so as various metabolic processes can be carried out efficiently by the body. But the acidic content of our stomach most often hampers the growth of these microorganisms, along with our habits such as drinking hot…

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Walk can ease your stress. Here’s how

Imagine a scenario – You have to submit that critical report one week early. Your pulse races and blood pressure increases. What are you going to do? Before you face a sudden breakdown due to anger, try going out for a stress busting walk. One of the best ways to relieve the stress is to simply walk them away. Yes, walkinghas multiple benefits including reducing stress and anxiety. It’s now well medically and practically proven that a walk is the best stress buster we always had and it costs us…

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Daily Stress May Put You at Heart Disease, Stroke Risk

Sounding an alarm bell for those who take unnecessary stress at workplace or at home, researchers have now linked chronic psychosocial stress with an heightened risk of developing heart disease and stroke. According to the team from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, heightened activity in the amygdala — a region of the brain involved in stress — can lead to cardiovascular disease in humans apart from established causes like smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes. Previous research has also shown that the amygdala is more active in people…

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Foods to combat holiday stress

From travel plans to last-minute shopping, the end of year brings a busy calendar that can lead to stress in the kitchen and beyond. If you’re trying to eat a balanced diet, extra activities coupled with an abundance of holiday sweets can make it seem impossible to keep up with your healthful habits. While there is definitely room to enjoy your holiday favorites in moderation, be sure to stock your kitchen with these time-saving foods for some seasonal stress relief. Citrus Fruits: It might seem like the only trees of…

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The Stress of the Holidays – and 2016 – May Make This the Perfect Time to Try Meditation

If we can agree on one thing, it’s that this holiday season is especially stressful. This year it’s not just about the crush of shopping, decorating, cooking and traveling, but the whirl of emotions about getting together with friends and family, some of whom may disagree with you on matters more weighty than whose holiday sweater is ugliest. It may be the year to spike the eggnog. Better yet, it may be the year to try meditation. We spoke to Tara Brach, a psychologist, teacher and founder of the Insight…

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