Dear women, here’s the most effortless method of keeping UTIs at bay

Doctors say that one in five women suffer from UTI at least once in their lifetime. Now, American researchers may have found a simple way to prevent urinary tract infections — drinking an additional three pints (or 1.42 liters) of water a day could help keep the infections at bay in women who are prone to them. Led by Thomas M Hooton, MD, clinical director of the Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Miami School of Medicine, the study looked at 140 healthy premenopausal women who had at least three UTIs in…

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Govt launches free contraceptive shots for women

Once every three months, women in the age group of 18-45 years will be given contraceptive injections free of cost at all state-run primary health centres and hospitals, state health minister C Vijaya Baskar said, launching the centrally-funded ‘Antara’ scheme at the Egmore Women and Children hospital on Thursday. Recommended By Colombia The depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) injection -added to the present basket of options such as condoms, intra-uterine devices, oral pills, morning-after pills and sterilisation procedures for men and women -contains the birth control hormone progestogen and is promoted…

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9 Best Anti-Ageing Foods for Women

Ageing is a natural process but who doesn’t want to stay young and beautiful? While you can’t really stop the process, you can delay the signs of ageing by following good lifestyle habits. These not only include taking good care of your skin but also paying attention to your diet. After all, it is true – you are what you eat. Your outward appearance has a lot to do with how you feel from within. The rule is simple – eat right for youthful and ageless beauty . Here are the…

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Why British women are less likely to seek investment advice than US, Canadian peers

David Shopper | Getty Images Women in the U.K. are less likely to reach out for help with their investments than their counterparts on the other side of the Atlantic, according to new research which points to a continued lack of provision in the U.K. advice market. Just over two-fifths (41 percent) of British women say they would ask for financial advice from knowledgeable individuals compared to more than half of women in Canada (57 percent) and the U.S. (53 percent), a study by RBC Wealth Management has suggested. While…

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Dear women, eat more fruits and veggies daily to keep stress away

  The study found that women who ate five-to-seven servings of fruit and vegetables daily had a 23% lower risk of stress. Does your routine, responsibilities and work issues stress you out? Eat more fruits and veggies. A study says people, especially women, who eat five-to-seven servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day are at a lower the risk of psychological stress. The findings, published in the British Medical Journal Open, indicate that people, who ate five-to-seven daily servings of fruits and vegetables had a 14% lower risk of…

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The Dreadful Migraine and Why It Is More Common Among Women

Indian women are deemed to be the caretakers of their family. In today’s world more women than men have both, a job outside the home and traditional responsibilities after work hours. Over 70% of married women with children are employed outside the home. Sociologists describe women as struggling to achieve the “male standard” at work, while trying to maintain the perfect wife and mother standards at home. Women often find it harder to say ‘no’ to others’ requests and feel guilty if they can’t fulfill their responsibilities. In addition, as…

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