Childhood obesity, dairy is safe for kids and doesn’t lead to ill health

For the longest time, it was widely believed that cow’s milk or any form of dairy promotes childhood obesity. However, according to this study, milk and dairy products are in fact safe for consumption. A team of researchers from the European Association for the Study of Obesity came to the conclusion after a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence over the last 27 years. “An important finding was the consistency of findings across different types of milk and dairy products and age groups,” explained Anestis Dougkas, who led the research.…

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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Battery Doesn’t Charge After Reaching 0 Percent, Some Users Claim

HIGHLIGHTS The reported issue makes Samsung Galaxy Note 8 unresponsive Multiple users complained on Samsung Community Forums Samsung acknowledges the problem Several users have reported they aren’t able to charge their Samsung Galaxy Note 8 units once their battery reaches zero percent charge. The South Korean giant has acknowledged the issue and can be expected to provide warranty replacements. Last year, Samsung was in the headlines for a battery-related fire hazard on the Galaxy Note 7. The company even recalled that Galaxy Note model after reports of its explosions being surfaced worldwide. Reports of unresponsive Galaxy Note 8 have emerged on…

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Bitcoin Investment Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated? See These 4 Benefits

When the co-founder of PayPal gives an endorsement, investors take notice. Bitcoin started out as an investment in which most people struggled to understand the mechanics and value. At its inception, the cryptocurrency’s only investors were technophiles ready to try out something revolutionary. Less than a decade later, Bitcoin has made huge strides in the investment universe and its value has soared to incredible heights. A $1,000 investment in Bitcoin in 2011 would be worth over $15,000,000 today — and it shows no sign of slowing down. In 2017 alone, Bitcoin has grown over…

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Just What Tesla Doesn’t Need – Mazda’s New Internal Combustion Engine Technology

Tesla might not be all that happy about this and the various governments that are insisting upon electric only vehicles for the future might also regret that decision–Mazda has just announced a breakthrough in internal combustion engine technology. This is great for consumers of course as more choice is good as we get to pick and choose from among the various offerings to find something that more closely meets our needs and desires. But there’s also a larger economic point here which is that we just don’t know what is…

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Water storage doesn’t always require permanent tanks

When undertaking to save water from rain from the heavens and the roof runoffs of your house, one does not always want to erect permanent structures and put in place full-time tanks to capture the water, which would have otherwise been wasted. Budget and space constraints can often see people doing nothing at all, but there are other options to help find a balance between low cost, economy of area and the need to do what we can to not waste the previous resource of water. While there are several…

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Menstrual cycle doesn’t impact training, performance: Study

A recent study, published in the Journal of Physiology, has found that doing fixed intensity exercise during menstrual cycle does not affect a woman’s autonomic heat responses (skin blood flow and sweating). That’s according to a collaboration between Massey University, the University at Buffalo and the University of Otago. They also found that exercise performance was impaired by humid heat due to the reduced ability of the body to sweat effectively. The research studied the effects of heat on ten well-trained women across their menstrual cycles. Each woman completed four…

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