What’s the Best Way for the Elderly to Stay Active? Own a Dog!

New Delhi Delhi University is likely to start a ‘Delhi School of Journalism’ that will offer a five-year integrated degree, from this academic session. Admission to the course will be based on cutoffs and application forms will be released soon. Some papers will be on data journalism, investigative journalism, foreign languages and regional languages. Thirty students will be admitted this year. The university’s standing committee on academic affairs approved proposals to start the Journalism school, another School of Transnational Affairs and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law and Security, said…

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Delhi University to start Delhi School of Journalism from this year, admission on cutoffs

New Delhi Delhi University is likely to start a ‘Delhi School of Journalism’ that will offer a five-year integrated degree, from this academic session. Admission to the course will be based on cutoffs and application forms will be released soon. Some papers will be on data journalism, investigative journalism, foreign languages and regional languages. Thirty students will be admitted this year. The university’s standing committee on academic affairs approved proposals to start the Journalism school, another School of Transnational Affairs and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Cyber Law and Security, said…

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Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Come in the Way of Your IIT Dream

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” – Zig Ziglar It’s true that staying positive under heaps of pressure is quite a difficult task. The burden of qualifying any competitive examination like IIT-JEEcan make it tough for the aspirants to sleep, eat and relax.Moreover, the lack of sleep makes it all-the-more worst by hampering the grades. Here are fivesurprising ways that will help you have a positive mind and a positive approach towards the preparation for IIT. The following strategies would surely keep your thoughtsin…

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DU course profile: BA programme is a good bet to help prepare for IAS exams

Contemporary age is marked by multidisciplinarily for gaining knowledge in the universities across the globe. Liberal arts and humanities focusing on the interdependence of societal problems are gaining ascendency over classical normative and specialised courses. BA program in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) that the University of Delhi offers is most meticulously designed curriculum that encourages students to study a combination of subjects of their own choice. It offers, therefore, a vast array of diversified disciplines aimed at holistic cognitive development. The scheme for the restructured BA program course enables…

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JNU to offer engineering and management courses, UGC nod pending

The Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) proposes to offer engineering and management courses, an initiative the University Grants Commission is said to be considering. If approved, the university will take students for these subjects from 2018. The New Delhi-based premier institution, established in 1969, is known for its arts and humanities subjects. JNU wants to expand its programme to engineering and management, for which officials submitted a proposal and made a presentation to the country’s university regulator, UGC. The government-run university can’t start new courses without the UGC’s clearance as these…

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CBSE Class 10 result: Why Delhi’s performance has seen a dip since 2013

New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) 10th grade results were announced early afternoon on Saturday, and Delhi saw a major dip of 13.67% in its performance from previous years. Officials of the Directorate of Education said they would collect all data and look into the matter. This year 78.09% of the students from Delhi who appeared for the grade 10 exams, passed the exams. This is a major dip in performance from previous years performances. in fact , Delhi’s performance in the grade 10 CBSE exams have…

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