Amazon looks to new food technology for home delivery Inc is exploring a technology first developed for the U.S. military to produce tasty prepared meals that do not need refrigeration, as it looks for new ways to muscle into the $700 billion U.S. grocery business. The world’s biggest online retailer has discussed selling ready-to-eat dishes such as beef stew and a vegetable frittata as soon as next year, officials at the startup firm marketing the technology told Reuters. The dishes would be easy to stockpile and ship because they do not require refrigeration and could be offered quite…

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Pyaaz Ki Kachori: The Rajasthan Street Side Delicacy that’ll have you Wanting for More

As the first set of showers takes the country in its stride, we can’t wait to start on our binge-fest of fried delicacies. Pakodas, samosas, bhajiyas, Kachoris – the list is endless. And one such fried delight that you must try this season is Pyaaz ki Kachori. A popular local breakfast dish in Rajasthan, these round fluffy kachoris, full of heart melting masalas and golden brown onions, are served with a combination of imly(tamarind) and coriander-mint chutney and are an absolute treat. I had my first tryst with the delight at the Rajasthan Stall in Dilli…

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83% parents believe almonds are best snack for kids

Nearly 83 per cent of parents feel that consuming almonds — a natural source of many essential nutrients, including protein and healthy fats — makes their children remain more energetic throughout the day, a survey shows. The survey, led by market research company Ipsos, found that 94 per cent of mothers in both Tier I and II cities, rank “almonds specifically” as the healthiest form of snacking.  Parents believe that almonds help boost brain development and are essential for healthy and stronger bones in addition to providing a daily dose…

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In the mood for some Italian? Try out this Creamy Spaghetti Chicken Charcuterie recipe

In Italian cuisine, bread and spaghetti is like what daal and chawal (rice and lentils) is to Indians and we believe this comfort food is probably what you mostly order on your outings to your favourite Italian restaurant. Cooking it ‘al dente’ might be tricky but it comes with some experiments in the kitchen. This recipe from is quite easy to make and also looks like gourmet meal right out of a restaurant. It is also perfect for weekday night hostings and a delight to have in the loving…

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Natural stride is best stride for runners, experts say

Two experts in the field of running are urging runners that the best stride for them should be their preferred, natural running stride. The study by Iain Hunter, a USA Track and Field consultant, and U.S. Olympian Jared Ward, who are also both professors at Brigham YoungUniversity, measured the energy use of 33 runners using five different strides during a 20-minute run. The researchers found that the stride length runners naturally choose is the best stride for them. “Many people are advocating for various ‘optimal’ running forms, but this study shows…

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Exposing to Sunlight for Vitamin D? May Cause Eye Freckles, Choose these Foods Instead

According to a study published in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, a higher lifetime exposure to sunlight can cause iris freckles. While not malignant, eye freckles could indicate the presence or risk of sunlight-triggered eye diseases like cataract or macular degeneration. Over 600 swimmers at the public pools in Styria, Austria had their eyes examined for freckles and filled out a questionnaire that asked about their lifetime sun exposure and sun-protection habits. Resultantly, researchers found out that the development of eye freckles correlated with increasing age, lifetime number…

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