Researchers identify protein that boosts memory

Researchers identify protein that boosts memory (Getty Images) Researchers have discovered a link between higer levels of a protein and better memory and more brain volume, suggesting a new way to predict the progression of memory loss and brain atrophy in Alzheimer’s patients. The research, published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, found a correlation between lower levels of the protein neuronal pentraxin-2, or NPTX2 and diminished memory and less brain volume. “NPTX2 seems to exert a protective effect,” said one of the researchers Ashley Swanson from Iowa State…

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Yale Researchers Find the Part of the Brain That Determines How Well You Handle Stress

Humans are amazingly resilient in crises, but some cope with life’s stresses better than others. On any given day people face any number of minor annoyances such as being stuck in traffic or spilling coffee on their shirts or forgetting their keys. Then there’s the persistent stressors that come from work, relationships and finances. And there’s the uncontrollable anxieties of global terrorism, mass shootings and Zika-carrying mosquitoes. But why are some people able to deal with it all so calmly, while others freak out? A team of researchers at Yale…

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4 Magical Foods That Could Help Boost Your Immunity

The onset of monsoon season brings about a host of infections, allergies, cold and flu with it. The body is most susceptible to infection if it is weak and in a state of imbalance. Hard to digest foods or unhealthy eating habits compromise immunity and health. Building a healthy immune system is not rocket science, in fact, a lot of it is common sense.So how do we support robust immunity? Here are some essential tips to remember – 1. Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.…

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Did You Know That Avocado Can Be Used as a First Food for Babies?

Feeding babies avocados, which has a neutral flavour, soft consistency and nutrient density, can help in boosting their growth and development, says a study, suggesting that the fruit can be used as a first food for infants. Babies’ ideal first foods should have a low to moderate sweet and salty flavour profile to avoid early preferences for sweet foods. The findings showed that avocados are unique among complementary and transitional foods and they provide an ideal source of calories to meet the increasing energy and growth demands of weaning infants…

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Top 10 foods that prevent breast cancer

Top 10 foods that prevent breast cancer (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images) The World Health Organisation (WHO) has predicted that by 2020 the number of breast cancer cases will jump to an alarming figure and one in every eight women would run the risk of developing the disease in her lifetime. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) too, concluded that over the last two decades there has been a steep rise in the statistics pertaining to women being diagnosed with breast cancer. So grave is the scenario that in India, breast…

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Parineeti Chopra: Diet and Fitness Secrets For That Incredible Weight Loss

Image Credits: Instagram/parineetichopra Among all the transformation tales of Bollywood, actress Parineeti Chopra is one of the latest ones. This bindaas actress may have won millions of hearts thanks to her acting talent, but now she’s hogging the limelight due to her mind blowing weight loss journey. Not many actors openly admit to being overweight, but Parineeti Chopra not only accepts it but even talks openly about feeling unfit and overweight. “BEFORE… All my life, I have struggled with how I look, how I feel, and how people looked at…

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