Twitter Will Enable Brands to Create Custom Hearts for Periscope Videos

I’ve always been a little fascinated as to how much people actually care about this, but either way, Twitter has announced a new option which will enable brands to purchase Custom Hearts for their Periscope videos. Custom Hearts are exactly as they sound – rather than the generic Periscope hearts that float up on screen during a broadcast, brands will be able to create their own, campaign-specific logos and icons for people to apply during the broadcast. Here are some examples of how they look in practice: As explained by Twitter: “Periscope…

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6 Healthy Beverages That Will Make You Ditch Colas and Aerated Drinks

Aerated drinks and sodas are fast becoming the most consumed beverage in India. These drinks need to be pulled down and shamed due to their ill-effects on our health. The villain is the high fructose corn syrups present in these drinks that has been linked with diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, reproductive issues, asthma, depression, arthritis and obviously obesity. Beverage companies, spend billions each year to tempt consumers. But what they may not tell you is that around ten teaspoons of sugar in each can and phosphoric acid can change…

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7 Everyday Activities That Will Help You Lose Weight

Who doesn’t want to get in the right shape without any sweat? In the extremely busy schedules of our daily lives, if only simple everyday activities could help us in losing weight! The truth is that many activities can help. It’s not mandatory to always hit the gym or the running ground to shed off the extra inches. You can tone up while performing your daily errands too. Food lovers who find it hard to adhere to a strict diet plan can also maintain themselves. Here’s how – 1. Get…

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3 Yummy Blender Recipes That Will Help You Lose Weight

A self-proclaimed “blendacholic,” Tess Masters is obsessed with whipping up mouthwatering recipes full of the nutrients our bodies crave. “It’s the power of plants to energize and revitalize, in endless blended combs, that gets me most excited,” she writes in her latest cookbook, The Perfect Blend ($20,, which features 100 vegan and gluten-free concoctions. And no, they aren’t all smoothies: Masters’ creative recipes run the gamut from sauces and salads to stews and burgers. Each includes “optional boosters” (for nutrition and flavor) that make it easy to tailor the blend to your own taste. Below, Masters…

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Will drastically cutting calories help you live longer? Yes, say a bunch of extremely hangry monkeys.

NOT SHOVELING LOADS of food into your mouth is a guaranteed way to keep pounds off—but can limiting calories also keep you alive longer? Multiple studies over the past few years have hinted that it might. But it took a monkey race to finally get to the bottom of it. For years, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM) and the National Institute on Aging (NIA) conducted dueling experiments on monkeys to attempt to come up with a definitive answer. For example: In 2009, the Wisconsin team announced the results…

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How long will you live? Your blood test can give the answer

Believe it or not, scientists at Boston University claim to have discovered a game-changing blood test that could help predict lifespans. The study, published in the journal Aging Cell on Friday, used biomarker data collected from 5,000 blood samples and analysed it against the donors’ health developments over the subsequent eight years. Together, they identified patterns which indicated both good and bad futures. Specifically, their chances of getting age-related diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In all, the researchers generated 26 different predictive biomarker signatures. The breakthrough means…

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