Would-be moms, breathe easy! Mobile phone use in pregnancy may not affect kids’ brains

Babies born to women who use a mobile phone during pregnancy are unlikely to have any adverse effects on their neurodevelopment skills such as language, communication and motor skills, according to new research which has challenged previous theories. According to researchers, the concern for harm to the foetus caused by radio frequency electromagnetic fields such as those emitted by mobile phones is mainly driven by reports from experimental animal studies with inconsistent results. Researchers found that children born to mobile phone users had an 18% lower risk of low motor…

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Dear yoga lovers, beware! Chemicals in yoga mats may affect your fertility

Several surprising products may have an impact on your chances to be a parent, recent research has shown. If you are planning to undergo fertility treatment, you might want to avoid products like yoga mats. Products with flame retardant chemicals can disrupt in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), the study has claimed. The findings showed that women with higher urinary concentrations of a common type of flame retardant known as organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) – used in polyurethane foam in many products, including upholstered furniture, baby products and gym mats – had reduced likelihood of clinical…

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Kathy Griffin’s Social Media Accounts May Have Been Hacked

The outspoken comedian appeared to be the victim of a social media hack on Saturday. A little before 2 p.m. Eastern Time, Griffin’s accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all suddenly showed strange messages announcing that “Kathy Griffin has been hacked” and urging readers to “tune in here 10 AM PST Sunday where she will be exposed.” Griffin’s profile pictures also disappeared.Is this an actual hack? HuffPost has reached out to Griffin’s representatives for comment, though some on Twitter are already skeptical. Earlier this year, the comedian faced a lot of backlash for posing with a…

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All in the hands: Finger length may predict athletic ability

Your hands may predict how good you are at sports, say scientists who found that athletic prowess could be related to the length of your fingers. Researchers explored the difference in length between one’s index finger and ring finger, and a possible link to muscular strength. They found that the ratio of the length of the index finger and the length of the ring finger – called the ‘digit ratio’ – is favourably related to muscular strength in boys. The ring finger in males is typically longer than the index…

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Are you suffering from depression? It may negatively influence your memories of the past

While it is known that people with depression see their present and future life enveloped in grief, however, a study has recently found that it also casts a long shadow over people’s memories of the past. According to researchers, depressed people have a peculiar view of the past — rather than glorifying the ‘good old days’ they project their generally bleak outlook on to past events. Previous research has shown that your gender may also influence how you suffer from depression and that shock therapy could act as an antidepressant. Dr Hartmut Blank…

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Weed smokers, marijuana may triple your chances of dying from high BP

Turns out, it’s not just cigarettes that risk your heart as according to a recent study, marijuana smokers have triple the death risk from high blood pressure (BP). In the absence of longitudinal data on marijuana use, the researchers designed a retrospective follow-up study of NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) participants aged 20 years and above. Information on marijuana use was merged with mortality data in 2011 from the National Centre for Health Statistics. The researchers estimated the associations of marijuana use, and duration of use, with death…

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