6 Ways to Insure Superior Results in 2017

Goal Direction Positioning: Achieving the results you want requires focus and direction. Both can be put in play with written goals. Whatever you committed to last year- scrap! Start fresh with new vision and a commitment to accomplish no more than 3-5 really important areas of your business. Among these areas should be ideal client acquisition, better management of revenue channels, customer service, enhanced process delivery and a more targeted marketing campaign. When developing your goals ask yourself these questions: 1). What exactly do I want as an outcome. 2).…

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How to Better Manage People with One Simple Test

Among the many frustrations that keep managers awake at night is the feeling that their employees are not performing their best in their respective jobs.  This suspicion can be the source of many performance related issues and can affect new managers and established ones alike. These concerns persist because of not fully knowing why some people work hard to be great employees and others do not.  Surprisingly, education, knowledge and experience have little to do with the factors that cause employees not to take full ownership for their jobs. There…

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Mental Health Tips: Five ways to practise self-care during the COVID-19 pandemic

Self-care, often ignored, is essential for your physical and mental health. What it means is to pay attention to your body and mind, understand what they need and making time to give them that. In times like these, this becomes even more important – the COVID-19 pandemic has lead to a massive increase in stress and anxiety levels. And while it may seem like you can’t possibly find the time for it — given you’re managing your home as well as work — it’ll be better for you in the…

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Why Bill Gates Is Not The Man To Reimagine New York Education

It literally took less than an hour for the pushback to start. Governor Andrew Cuomo dismissively questioned why school buildings even exist these days, and announced that he was enlisting Bill Gates to help reimagine education in the Empire State. From a dozen different corners, the objections came. One day later, Cuomo’s Facebook page attempted to soften the announcement. “Teachers are heroes & nothing could ever replace in-person learning,” the post began, before assuring readers that the reimagining would be done “in full partnership with educators and administrators.” That does…

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Want to retire rich? Follow this mutual funds investment strategy, say experts

Retirement Planning: The most preferred retirement wish of each earning individual is to retire rich or have that much of the maturity amount, which is enough to meet their financial requirements post-retirement. Mutual Funds are one of the most preferred investment tools among Indian investors for achieving their long-term investment goals. However, when it comes to deciding the mutual funds tool while allocating funds to one’s portfolio, which mutual fund category will be better suited for retirement plan becomes a hectic task. As the mutual fund has small-cap, mid-cap and large-cap…

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IN RECENT WEEKS, investment bankers have pressed health care companies on the front lines of fighting the novel coronavirus, including drug firms developing experimental treatments and medical supply firms, to consider ways that they can profit from the crisis. The media has mostly focused on individuals who have taken advantage of the market for now-scarce medical and hygiene supplies to hoard masks and hand sanitizer and resell them at higher prices. But the largest voices in the health care industry stand to gain from billions of dollars in emergency spending on the pandemic, as do…

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