Marathon training: The what, when and how much you must eat to prepare for a race

Running a marathon is no small feat. Training for one is a process that requires time, dedication and proper nutrition. What you eat, in fact, plays the most important role in training for a race. Add to it when you eat — whether before or after the race. If you get it all right, breasting the tape on the finish line, in good time, would be one of your life’s most memorable feats. Simply put, watch out for what you eat in order to power through a long run. You…

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What is super malaria or superbug?

What is this “super malaria” or “superbug” that is “spreading fast” in Southeast Asia? The spread of life-threatening super malaria is posing a new challenge in the health sector. The fast spread of the mutated strain of the dangerous disease is an alarming global threat, scientists have warned. Facts about super malaria The strain of super malaria or superbug that is now spreading fast in Southeast Asia is known as PfPailin. The parasite was first detected in Cambodia. It has since spread through parts of Thailand, Laos and has arrived in southern…

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Navratri 2017: What Vegetables to Eat and What to Avoid While Fasting

Navratri festivities have begun and devotees of Goddess Durga have commenced the nine-day Navratri fasting ritual. Devotees may observe a fast for all the nine days or choose to keep it in pairs- either on the first and the last day or last two days. There are certain fasting dos and don’ts that people are required to follow when it comes your daily diet. For instance, you can include vrat ingredients like sama ke chawal, singhare ka atta, kuttu ka atta, fruits and some vegetables in your diet during fasting. However, a lot of us may…

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What To Eat During Pregnancy: 7 Foods That You Should Include In Your Diet

You may often find yourself in a tough spot when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. With the easy access to junk food and our super busy lives, it is tough to strike a balance and maintain a healthy diet at all times. Now, imagine sharing the great responsibility for two people instead of one! Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy is very crucial. In this special phase, a woman’s body needs additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Missing out on any key nutrients may negatively affect the baby’s development.…

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What to Eat While Exercising To Keep Your Energy Levels Up

Everyone wants to be healthy, fit and in good shape but you may often find it very challenging because you may think that you need to cut back on food drastically to do so. However, giving up on food is not the solution instead altering your food habits can really help. Most workout routines may fail due to a poor diet, excessive exercising or too much dependence on artificial supplements. The key behind a successful routine is to keep your body energized during the workout. To do so, you can often resort…

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Just What Tesla Doesn’t Need – Mazda’s New Internal Combustion Engine Technology

Tesla might not be all that happy about this and the various governments that are insisting upon electric only vehicles for the future might also regret that decision–Mazda has just announced a breakthrough in internal combustion engine technology. This is great for consumers of course as more choice is good as we get to pick and choose from among the various offerings to find something that more closely meets our needs and desires. But there’s also a larger economic point here which is that we just don’t know what is…

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