Here’s the one simple thing supermodel Miranda Kerr does every morning to stay fit

Have you ever wondered what supermodels to do get that body? Well, supermodel Miranda Kerr recently shared a diet secret. She says she drinks a glass of hot water with lemon every morning to stay fit. The 34-year-old model says every morning she will make the warm drink to “kick start” her digestion, which is swiftly followed by a nutritious smoothie, reported Contactmusic. “So one of my favourite things to have in the morning is hot water with lemons. It’s a really great way to kick start your digestion, it’s full of…

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The Accidental Tea Bag: Ever Wondered Who Invented the Tea Bag?

  Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world after water. A number of varieties of tea exist worldwide – green tea, black tea or flavoured teas like the lemongrass tea . A cup of tea has become a part of our daily lives and our culture. Earlier, tea used to be made in large pots. Hot water was poured over a bunch of tea leaves even to make a single cup. It is believed that this led to wastage of tea and that is where the story of the teabag comes…

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All in the hands: Finger length may predict athletic ability

Your hands may predict how good you are at sports, say scientists who found that athletic prowess could be related to the length of your fingers. Researchers explored the difference in length between one’s index finger and ring finger, and a possible link to muscular strength. They found that the ratio of the length of the index finger and the length of the ring finger – called the ‘digit ratio’ – is favourably related to muscular strength in boys. The ring finger in males is typically longer than the index…

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Are you suffering from depression? It may negatively influence your memories of the past

While it is known that people with depression see their present and future life enveloped in grief, however, a study has recently found that it also casts a long shadow over people’s memories of the past. According to researchers, depressed people have a peculiar view of the past — rather than glorifying the ‘good old days’ they project their generally bleak outlook on to past events. Previous research has shown that your gender may also influence how you suffer from depression and that shock therapy could act as an antidepressant. Dr Hartmut Blank…

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A breath of fresh air: These plants purify the air inside your house

Plants are not just decorative — many are natural air filters that work to clean up the indoor environment, absorbing irritating or harmful chemicals from the air. We find out more about two such plants. Anthurium Origins and specifications: Red anthuriums are also called “tongues of fire” because of their bright red, shiny, heart-shaped blossoms. This plant originates from South America. Its flowers may be red, pink, or white. Anthurium is a natural filter for ammonia and xylene. Beware, however: the plant’s sap and leaves may cause allergies in sensitive people.…

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Watch out for the signs: Learn how suicides can be averted

On July 20, it was declared that Chester Bennington, frontman of the popular band Linkin Park, committed suicide. On July 31, 14-year-old Mumbaiite Manpreet Singh committed suicide as part of an online game. In both cases — like most suicides — no one saw it coming. However, experts are of the opinion that raising awareness about depression, which leads to suicidal tendencies, can go a long way in preventing such cases. “Bennington was 41 and the teenager was only 14. These examples prove that the tendency to commit suicide can…

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