This method can ensure higher rates of cure for hepatitis C infection

Mass treatment of a population with chronic hepatitis C infection has produced high rates of cure, according to a study. The research, conducted in Punjab, evaluated the feasibility of decentralised care and the provision of free direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) among a population of almost 20,000 individuals. It validated the efficacy and safety of generic all-oral DAA regimens delivered using a decentralised algorithm-based public health model. “We have shown in our study that it is possible to cure more than 90% of individuals with HCV infection in a highly dispersed…

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Ladies, this new tool can protect you from HIV transmission

A new tool has been developed to protect women from HIV infection. The tool, developed by the scientists at the University of Waterloo, is a vaginal implant, which decreases the number of cells that the HIV virus can target in a woman’s genital tract. Unlike conventional methods of HIV prevention, such as condoms or anti-HIV drugs, the implant takes advantage of some people’s natural immunity to the virus. HIV infects the body by corrupting T cells, that are mobilised by the immune system when the virus enters a person’s body.…

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This is the one thing that could make exercise a bit more enjoyable

Exercise is like marmite: some people love it, while others hate it. But if you fall into the latter category, fear not – scientists reckon they’ve found a way to make your time spent in the gym more enjoyable, and it’s pretty simple. Researchers at Brunel University in London have revealed that listening to musicwhile you’re working out could make things more enjoyable. This might seem a bit obvious. After all, it’s no secret that music can elicit an emotional response from the listener – making us feel happy, sad, angry or even…

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This is what you should eat for a good night’s sleep

If you struggle to get to sleep of a night, then fear not, because help is at hand. Alongside the age-old advice of avoiding your phone, taking a bath, reading a book or spraying lavender on your pillow, comes new rules on what you should eat before bedtime. Sleep expert Sammy Margo, author of The Good Sleep Guide, told the Mail Online that certain foods hold the power to help us sleep better, while eating the wrong ones, can actually be detrimental to our sleep cycle. Margo has identified five foods that we should be…

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This Chinese therapy with ice can relieve all your pains

​Chinese therapy to relieve all your pains   We often do not bother about every day pains that are too teeny-weeny to see a doctor. That’s where we go wrong. We will not even realize when these pains may grow to become lifelong troubles. But here’s a good news. To keep them at bay, you do not need to visit a doctor. Here we bring you a no-cost, simple and effective Chinese therapy to deal with all such kinds of problems. According to Chinese medicine, the spot on your neck…

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Diabetics may get help in improving blood sugar levels from this telehealth program

Turns out, improving blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes patients is as easy as using a telehealth program. A study conducted in veterans found that the program for diabetes self-management not only shortens the wait to talk to a physician specialist versus an in-person visit but also results in patients with type 2 diabetes having comparable improvements in blood glucose (sugar) control to patients receiving traditional care finds. The “telediabetes” program at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Pittsburgh Healthcare System, where the study took place, merges an electronic consultation, or…

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