5 Easy Tips and Quick Fixes To Save Cooking Disasters

Love cooking? But has your last experience of a super salty curry or a burnt cake made you doubtful of donning the apron again? Let us tell you a secret. Even the most celebrated chefs make mistakes except that they know how to save their dish too. There will be days when an extra teaspoon of red chilly can ruin your dish but a good cook is one who has some smart hacks up his sleeves. It is easy to rectify a mistake, if you know what to do. Keep…

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5 Most Popular Fruit Bearing Trees and Their Benefits

It good to know about these wonderful resources that provide us with some of the most delicious fruits that we enjoy almost daily. Not only to these fruits add sweetness to our day, they also offer a host of health benefits with their healing qualities. Have a look. 1. Java Plum Tree or Jamun Tree The Java Plum is an evergreen tropical tree which typically originated in India and is also grown in other Southeast countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The tree is known to live for…

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8 Weird Facts About Apples We’re Sure You Won’t Know

No, I am not going to repeat the same old phrase that an apple a day keeps… you know the rest! But there are some very interesting facts about the humble apple that you may have not known. This juicy red fruit which most of us consume on a day to day basis has so many secrets. Start by knowing these eight weird facts about apple. 1. Why do apples float? Apples can float because 25% of their volume is nothing but air. This air makes it become less dense than water.…

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The Accidental Tea Bag: Ever Wondered Who Invented the Tea Bag?

  Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world after water. A number of varieties of tea exist worldwide – green tea, black tea or flavoured teas like the lemongrass tea . A cup of tea has become a part of our daily lives and our culture. Earlier, tea used to be made in large pots. Hot water was poured over a bunch of tea leaves even to make a single cup. It is believed that this led to wastage of tea and that is where the story of the teabag comes…

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Lifestyle Blogger Pernille Teisbaek Is Married!

Fashion and lifestyle blogger Pernille Teisbaek tied the knot this weekend! This morning she posted a picture to her Instagram of herself in her wedding dress, captioned, “Minutes before the big YES Dress by @verawanggang Fitted by @rikkegudnitzcouture #lookdelotko2017 photo by @themisspopo” Teisbaek married her long time boyfriend Philip Lotko. The two have a son together who was born in March 2017. At the wedding, Teisbaek wore a Vera Wang gown and an assortment of Manolo Blahnik shoes, which she showed off in an earlier Instagram. The Copenhagen, Denmark native is known for her chic choice of…

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7 Foods from Your Kitchen You Shouldn’t Feed Your Dog

Love sharing a bite of your favourite food with your dog? Especially when those cute puppy eyes are begging for only a morsel of the food you are having. After all what difference could a small bite make? Turns out, a lot. Dogs are built differently than humans, and their bodies are not aligned to take particular nutrients from the foods as we do. This can result in all sorts of health problems for your dog and in worse cases, it can even lead to poisoning. As a wise pet-owner it…

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