Getting tonsils removed puts you at risk of flu, asthma and pneumonia

If you have had your tonsils removed in childhood, you may want to read this. A new study by the University of Melbourne in Australia and University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that removing tonsils and adenoids in childhood increases the risk of diseases like asthma, influenza and pneumonia. The scientists examined the long-term effects of these common paediatric surgeries for the first time. The adenoids and tonsils are strategically positioned in the nose and throat respectively to act as the first line of defence, helping to recognise airborne pathogens like bacteria…

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Is Saline Water Beneficial To Consume? How To Make It At Home

Salt makes for an essential nutrient and if consumed in an optimum amount, it has many benefits to offer. It is said that it is one of the best ways to detox our body. In fact, Ayurveda is said to have used salt water, or saline water, to cleanse stomach, intestines and colon, while repairing the damage that our diet has caused to the cells in our digestive tract. While there is no scientific explanation or study that has proved this theory, it has been a favourite solution that has…

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Nanorobots developed at IISC Bangalore hold promise for cancer treatment

Researchers at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore have developed a method of using nanorobots to deliver payloads to specific parts of a living cell–a breakthrough that could transform cancer treatment. “We can now very precisely move it from point A and B, that too inside a living cell,” Malay Pal, a co-author of the paper published in the journal Advanced Materials, said. The breakthrough for the Bangalore team is the use of rotating magnetic fields to guide the probes instead of using more conventional tools such as ultrasound or chemicals. The…

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Is your child feeling bogged down by academic pressure or social anxiety? Yoga at school will help

Yoga and mindfulness activities at school can help improve emotional health of children with anxiety, according to a study. Researchers at Tulane University worked with a public school in New Orleans to add mindfulness and yoga to the school’s existing empathy-based programming for students needing supplementary support. Third graders, who were screened for symptoms of anxiety at the beginning of the school year, were randomly assigned to two groups. A control group of 32 students received care as usual, which included counseling and other activities led by a school social…

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Young women who have hypertension are at an increased risk of heart failure post delivery

Young women suffering from hypertension are at an increased risk of heart failure within the six weeks after delivery, also known as the postpartum period, according to a study. Heart failure is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and death, affecting relatively young reproductive-age women, especially among those with the presence of an additional disease or condition, such as hypertension. The study found that although less than 2% of all pregnancy-related hospitalisations occurred during the postpartum period, nearly 60% of pregnancy-related heart failure hospitalisations took place during the same time.…

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Beware, these are the types of cancer where patients are at higher risk of committing suicide

Patients with prostate, bladder or kidney cancers are five times more likely to commit suicide, a survey led by an Indian-origin scientist has found. The analysis also showed that cancer patients are about three times more likely to commit suicide than the general population. The proportion of attempted suicides which result in a completed or successful suicide was higher in cancer patients, with a higher proportion still in patients with urological cancers. Severe psychological stress is one of the main side-effects of both a diagnosis of cancer and the treatment,…

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