Philippines Set to Roll Out Tough No-Smoking Law

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is set to sign a regulation this month banning smoking in public across Southeast Asia’s second-most populous country, rolling out among the toughest anti-tobacco laws in the region. Public health campaigners who have long battled against the country’s hefty tobacco lobby welcomed the push to end smoking in public places and said they believed Duterte, with his tough anti-vice record, was the man to do it. Health Secretary Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial told Reuters on Tuesday she hoped the president would sign the ban, which expands the…

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How to eat out on a low-FODMAP diet

Eating out at a restaurant while on a low-FODMAP diet can feel like a nightmare! However, we all deserve to enjoy a meal with friends and family, and a night off cooking. Here are a few tips to help you choose a restaurant and select a safe meal. Choosing the restaurant carefully Select a restaurant that has a good range of gluten free options. While gluten isn’t the problem on a low-FODMAP diet, choosing gluten free will eliminate wheat, which is a major source of oligosaccharides. Thai restaurants often give…

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Pilates Exercises: 9 Reasons You Need to Roll Out Your Mat

“The beauty of Pilates is that each exercise can be toned up or toned down, each can be done by a beginner or an expert,” says Vesna Pericevic Jacob of Vesna’s Wellness, Delhi. Really, Pilates has something to offer people of all ages and levels of ability and fitness, from beginners to elite athletes. It may sound intimidating, but once you give it a go, there’s no going back. “It’s flexibility and strength all rolled into one powerfully dynamic workout. You basically use your own flexibility and your own strength…

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JPMorgan could move thousands of staff out of UK: Report

a JPMorgan Chase & Co could be forced to move thousands of staff out of Britain if the country loses its automatic right to sell financial services to the European Union after last month’s Brexit vote, bank CEO Jamie Dimon told an Italian newspaper. Currently, banks based in the UK can sell services freely across the EU under a “passporting” system, considered the most significant feature of the EU single market for financial firms. But that is now in doubt after Britons voted to leave the bloc. “The key issue…

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meals And Drug management(FDA) Approves device That Drains food out of your belly

The most sudden issue about the meals and Drug management’s approval of the weight problems-control device called AspireAssist may be how little mainstream interest it attracted. due to the fact, frankly, a 391f28ade68635a26d417ea25e9ae9c1 gadget that helps you to devour all you want and then drains the food out of your belly is a pretty startling invention.AspireAssist works like this: In a fifteen-minute outpatient method, a general practitioner implants a tube into a patient’s belly. The tube is attached to a valve that lies flush towards the skin of the abdomen.…

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the way to Do Push Ups: ladies, it is time to Get the maximum Out of This traditional exercising

Push ups, undeniably one of the favorite physical games among men, is frequently dreaded by means of girls as part of their normal health regime. for the duration of university time, it became a commonplace sight to locate the boys gearing up for 3 digit push up demanding situations. How else might they have got proved their mettle in fitness in the event that they were no longer in a position to drag off at the least 50 of them in a cross? for my part, push united states of…

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