China’s tech services are a top investment pick amid decoupling with the US, says CITIC Capital CEO

Consumption, healthcare and technology are three sector picks for investing in China, said CITIC Capital’s top executive on Tuesday. “For us, the top priority … is still on consumption, because it’s still growing at a higher rate than GDP growth,” said Zhang Yichen, chairman and CEO at CITIC Capital, the flagship investment arm of Chinese state-owned conglomerate CITIC Group. China’s GDP growth was 6.1%, down from 6.6% in 2018 as the economy took a hit from its bitter trade war with the U.S. Speaking to CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Zhang said health care is…

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Why we need government schools: They are the only educational lifeline for 60% of India’s children

There is change in our government schools if one cares to look for it. In a survey my colleagues conducted in 2005 in northeast Karnataka, only four out of ten schools had obtained uniforms and books in time for the start of the academic year. Today, this number has more than doubled. Nearly every school I visited had planned and procured books and uniforms well in time, even if it meant that their teachers had to sacrifice some holidays. In most schools that we visited, attendance was over 90 per…

Read More rises in the ComScore India report for Lifestyle, the digital arm of LF -India’s premium multi-platform lifestyle brand from the Essel Group with presence in TV, Digital and Events has hit the 2. 4 Mn users mark in December, 2019. Securing the top 10 position (excluding food ecommerce) in comScore has placed ahead in lifestyle over many legacy players owing to its unique content, its distinctive focus on trends and Tv catch up. Speaking to the curious at heart who love to explore, travel and live life to the fullest; caters to the adventurous foodie,…

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The pros and cons of keto cycling, according to health and medical experts

Fans of the high fat, low-carb keto diet praise its appetite-crushing benefit, which is why keto dieting is so popular for weight loss. But since we don’t live in a keto-friendly world, the call of carb-rich fare — from healthy options, like fruit, yogurt and oatmeal to less healthy foods, like pizza, French fries and dessert — can make it hard to stick with the keto diet. Even if you’re not craving carbs, a normal social activity, like dinner at a friend’s house, can pose problems. Enter keto cycling. In this fairly new approach, you cycle on and…

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Saw more merit in holding Raymond brand in the new lifestyle co, says CMD Gautam Singhania

A month after announcing demerger plans, Raymond has decided to modify its brand royalty policy and do away with any inter-company brand royalty contracts. “Originally the plan was that the new company, the lifestyle company would pay a royalty to the old company for the use of the brand name. However, we got feedback from investors and from various well-wishers that if we let the new company own the Raymond brand for its product categories, in perpetuity it would be more better for the new company,” said Gautam Singhania, CMD,…

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Why the follow-unfollow method still persists on social media

In fifth grade, I remember signing in and out of MSN Messenger so my crush would finally notice me when he got a notification. I’d sit there staring longingly at the green icon next to his screen name, wondering what he could possibly be doing that was more interesting than talking to me. But I want to tell my sweet and naïve 10-year-old self that if he wanted to talk to me the first time, he would have found a way. Now, I have the foresight to see just how…

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