Here’s how heart diseases affect men and women differently. Find out if you’re at risk

Heart diseases have emerged as the leading cause for fatalities in men and women world over and also in India. The risk of heart diseases to both sexes is grave, but heart diseases affect men and women differently. Over one crore annual deaths are reported in India and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause 20.3% deaths in men and 16.9 percent deaths in women. Despite having a lower mortality rate than men, reports have often suggested that women are more at risk of CVD related deaths. Another Indian study reports that the incidence…

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Cancer rarely affects elephants, here’s the real reason behind it

Researchers have identified a “zombie” gene that protects elephants from cancer, a finding that may pave the way for a new treatment for humans. Globally, nearly 1 in 6 human deaths occur due to cancer, whereas less than 5% of captive elephants — who also live for about 70 years, and have about 100 times as many potentially cancerous cells as humans — die of the disease. Humans and elephants have one copy of the master tumour suppressor gene p53, which recognises unrepaired DNA damage — a precursor of cancer and…

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Why Do We Crave Alcohol? Here’s The Answer

Most people like occasional drinking or what’s called as social drinking, while some like binge-drinking on a daily basis. Some people are able to enjoy alcohol in moderation; others can’t seem to get enough of it. If you are in that stage when you need a drink or two to end your day with, it may mean that you crave alcohol. However, if you struggle to stop after one or two drinks, chances are you may be dealing with intense alcohol cravings. Why do we crave alcohol? What are the…

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Chronotherapy Could Make Cancer Treatments More Effective, Here’s How

Chi Van Dang generally declines to discuss the science that made him famous. A leading authority on cancer metabolism, he routinely is asked to speak about how tumors reprogram biochemical pathways to help them slurp up nutrients and how disrupting these noxious adaptations could be a powerful approach to treating cancer. Instead of doing so, Dang uses his soapbox at every research meeting, lecture and blue-ribbon panel to advocate for something else: a simple yet radical tweak to how oncologists administer cancer drugs. The approach, known as chronotherapy, involves timing…

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5 breakfast mistakes you might be making each morning, here’s how it affects weight loss

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps kickstart our metabolism, and sets our digestion for the rest of the day. If you want to lose weight fast, you need to ensure to eat your meals on time and also eat the right amount of things. Too many people make mistakes while picking foods for their breakfast meal. Either it is too sugary, high in fats or doesn’t have enough of good fats. Here are 5 breakfast mistakes you need to avoid to see results from your…

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Here’s What You Can Do For Jet Lag

Jet lag is a tough problem to get sympathy for. Travelling across multiple time zones is often a cause for jealousy, not compassion. But high-speed plane travel to a location that is out of sync with your body’s internal clocks can cause more than just sleepiness. Symptoms of jet lag also include irritability, disorientation, nausea, gastrointestinal distress and trouble concentrating. And an upcoming trip has me worried. I’ll be traveling three time zones to the west for a week of vacation in Alaska, followed by less than 48 hours at…

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