Health and nutrition author Libby Matthews shares her wellness routine

Talk us through your daily routine Every morning I start the day with coffee (key when you have a toddler). Then I have breakfast and go for a big walk with my daughter. If she is at daycare I will work from home and in the afternoon my daughter, partner and I will either take her to the park or go for a walk before dinnertime. What kind of work outs do you enjoy the most? My favourite type of workout is circuit training where I really have to push…

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How to do Pranayam: Yoga Breathing Exercises You Must Include in Your Routine

Those who follow yoga may have heard of the practice of pranayam. The word is derived from ‘Prana‘ which stands for ‘life force’ and ‘Ayama‘ which means ‘to lengthen or to work on it’. Prana, in yogic terms, means the force within the body that is vital for the functioning of the body as well as its vitality. Yogic texts describe Prana as a potent force that runs through various chakras and nadis in the body to keep the body healthy, energized and invigorated. Breathingplays an extremely crucial role in the regulation and maintenance of Prana. It is believed that…

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Want to exercise but can’t find the time? Here’s how to make it a part of your routine

Most of us know how important getting enough exercise is, but with the fast pace of modern life, everyday responsibilities can sometimes get in the way. For those struggling to find the time to fit in a workout Dr Irvin Sulapas, assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, has some expert advice. “I always tell my patients any time you can get up and move is the best time to work out. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the morning, middle of the day or…

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What’s the Best Fitness Routine for you? Consider Your Personality

Are you super social? Which motivates you more – internal or external validation? Maybe you’re laid-back? Or keen on getting the biggest bang for your buck? (In fitness, this often translates to burning the most calories.) As 2017 rolls in and resolutions are being hammered out, fitness and health usually take center stage. But what exactly is the best fitness routine for you? Many instructors and trainers will say – irritatingly perhaps – that “the best fitness routine is the one you will do consistently.” Okay, if you say so.…

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Here’s why overweight people give up easily on their workout routine

A study finds as to why losing weight is not easy for obesepeople as it states physical inactivity results from the altered dopamine receptors – decreased motivation to move – rather than excess body weight. The study, conducted on mice, has been published in the journal of Cell Metabolism. “We know that physical activity is linked to overall good health, but not much is known about why people or animals with obesity are less active,” said study’s senior author Alexxai V. Kravitz from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive…

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The Fitness Machine That Shook Up My Pilates Routine for the Better

Photo: Power Plate I’m taking an exercise class at Moving Strength, a boutique Pilates studio in New York City, and, well, I’m struggling. My body feels like it’s buzzing with electricity. My triceps are burning, my quads are shaking, and my heart rate is growing quicker. Don’t get me wrong—this isn’t my first time trying the core-strengthening workout; I’m actually a Pilates devotee. But most of the time, I know what I’m getting when I take a class. I expect the Hundred series and some Reformer-supported leg circles. Now, my…

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