Best detox drinks to lose weight fast, try green tea, mint, honey and more

When trying to lose weight, we should not only rely on certain types of diets and exercise routines, but also detox liquids. Though a good diet is imperative for weight loss, it is essential you include detox drinks to make it more effective. Detox drinks are excellent for digestion, and if your digestion is good, then your weight loss journey will be easier. By definition, detox drinks help in flushing out toxins from the body and boost the body’s metabolism. We tell you three home-made detox drinks that you can start having right away.…

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Quit smoking and lose weight for successful arthritis treatment

Obesity in women and smoking in men can hinder the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a study by McGill University in Canada, has found. Although early identification and aggressive treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) improves outcomes, this study showed that 46% of women and 38% of men did not achieve remission in the first year despite receiving guideline-based care. Multivariable analysis highlighted that obesity more than doubled the likelihood of not achieving remission in women. Other predictors were minority status, lower education, higher tender joint counts and fatigue scores at baseline.…

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Orange Peel For Weight Loss: Here’s Why You Can Use Orange Rind To Burn Fat

Bright and citrusy, oranges are juicy fruits we all love to binge on. The fruit that is available from November through January as well as in the summer months of March to May, is enjoyed around the world in numerous ways. The versatility of oranges is evident from the fact that you can eat it in a range of ways, from consuming it raw or juicing it, to including it in cakes, cupcakes, pastries, salads, mousses, etc. Whether you love to toss them in along with some greens, or down…

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Broccoli For Weight Loss: Why The Cruciferous Wonder Is Your Best Aid For Weight Loss

It is said that broccoli was first cultivated about 2000 years ago in Europe and was brought to other countries by Italians, and soon the exotic vegetable became a mainstay. Broccoli belongs to the group of cruciferous vegetables, and gets its name from the Italian word “broccolo,” which means a “cabbage sprout.” If you are into fitness or even remotely aware of the world where people like to eat healthy food, then you know that eating broccoli is quite healthy. So, what is it about the cruciferous wonder that makes it a…

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7 Side Effects Of Weight Loss That No One Talks About

The benefits of being at a healthy weight are indisputable; dropping just five to 10 percent of your body weight may help improve your overall health and reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases, obesity and diabetes. However, shedding extra pounds may also mean some unexpected challenges that show up when you lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time, especially if you are following a fad diet. Fad diets are diets that promise to help you lose weight in less than a week’s time. While…

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Vitamin D can help improve weight of malnourished kids, language development

New research shows that vitamin D helps in improving the overall health of malnourished children. The study was conducted by the University of the Punjab Pakistan and the Queen Mary University of London and shows that a high dose of vitamin D supplements helps malnourished kids to put on weight and also learn languages more easily. Vitamin D, known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ has beneficial effects is well known for its beneficial effects on bone and muscle health, Queen Mary researchers last year did a study which proved that it…

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