Want to exercise but can’t find the time? Here’s how to make it a part of your routine

Most of us know how important getting enough exercise is, but with the fast pace of modern life, everyday responsibilities can sometimes get in the way. For those struggling to find the time to fit in a workout Dr Irvin Sulapas, assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, has some expert advice. “I always tell my patients any time you can get up and move is the best time to work out. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the morning, middle of the day or…

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Do you tend to put on weight during holidays? Worry not, we have the best solution

For many, the best part of a vacation is to experience delicious meals and soak in the local flavours. However, all this gluttony can impact your health and show up on your waistline. Here are some easy tips to keep in mind while eating out during your vacation. We spoke to Dr Manoj Kuteri, wellness director at Atmantan Wellness Centre at Mulshi, near Pune, Maharashtra, and he says meal planning is the key. 1) Carry your own snacks. Avoid the temptation of snacking at airports as you are more likely to pick…

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Drones, tractor hacks and robotic sprayers: the technology of farming

Farming may not be the first industry that comes to mind when we think of technological advancement, but that’s changing — fast. Agricultural giant John Deere, for instance, just spent $305 million to buy a robotics company. The farm machine manufacturer has been around for almost two centuries, but it too has felt the need to keep up with changing trends and tools, says Deanna Kovar, a marketing director for John Deere. Its acquisition, Blue River Technology, is a startup that makes agricultural robots capable of identifying weeds and other unwanted plants, and dosing them with high-precision sprays of herbicide. The…

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Vinyasa Yoga: All About the ‘Flow Yoga’ and Why You Must Give it a Try

Yoga is an age-old holistic practice, yet it has often meshed into newer forms. We’d like to throw the spotlight on an interesting form of yoga known as Vinyasa which involves the transition from one posture to another without resting or taking a break. The practice of breathing in and breathing out while getting into and out of a posture has great importance while practicing Vinyasa yoga. The term Vinyasa is derived from the words Vi and Nyasa which means, ‘to place in a special manner’. This denotes that the practice of Vinyasa yoga involves the body…

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Kick the butt: Smoking changes lung cells, readies them for cancer

Chronic exposure to cigarette smoke can change lung cells over time, making them more vulnerable to disease and priming them to develop cancer, say US researchers. The report in the journal Cancer Cell is based on lab experiments on lung cells that were exposed to chronic cigarette smoke – the equivalent of a person smoking for 20 to 30 years. After about 10 days, the cells began to change their gene expression, a process known as epigenetic change. It took 10 months before these changes built up enough to boost…

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Kicking the butt: Running group can help you to quit smoking

Having difficulty in quitting smoking? Try running as it can help you refrain. As per a recent UCB report, almost half of the people who completed a 10-week program involving running were able to successfully quit smoking. Carly Priebe, postdoctoral fellow in UBC’s school of Kinesiology said, “This shows that physical activity can be a successful smoking-cessation aid and that a community-based program might offer that. Because doing it on your own is very difficult.” In Canada, 178 smokers registered for the 2016 ‘Run to Quit’ program at Running Room…

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