What are the best fruits for diabetes? Your ideal diet must include these

If you are living with diabetes, you may have found all kinds of conflicting information about diabetes-friendly diet. And the most common misconception about this diet is that fruits should not be a part of your diet. This is not true. People with type 2 diabetes have to be careful about their carbohydrate intake as it directly affects the blood sugar level. According to a study conducted in 2013, fruits can be a part of a diabetic meal plan. According to Dr Pradeep Gadge of Dr Gadge’s Diabetes Care Clinic, “People with…

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Switch off the TV, too much screen time can cause heart disease and cancer

Spending too much time watching TV can be injurious to health. A new study done by the University of Glasgow and published in BMC Medicine reveals a link between higher risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease. The effect was more among those with low fitness, low muscle strength or physical activity levels. Previous studies linked increased screen time with bowel cancer for men as well as diabetes, obesity and a weak heart. Discretionary screen time, time spent watching TV or looking at a computer screen during leisure time, is an important contributor to…

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World Thyroid Day, keep your thyroid healthy with the right diet, exercise

Do you have tremors, feel bloated pretty often or have been finding it difficult to concentrate lately? Although these can be symptoms for various other conditions, these three are also indicative of thyroid. Hence, it is best to go for a check up and see if you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. World Thyroid Day is observed on May 25 every year and its objective is to increase awareness and understanding about thyroid health. There are two types of thyroid- hyperthyroid (an over active thyroid gland) and hypothyroid (underactive thyroid gland). Thyroid cannot be…

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Different ways in which the struggles of pediatric asthma can be overcome

Understanding how to care for those with pediatric asthma has improved over the last few decades, but there still seems a long way to go. Researchers from the Children’s National Health System went into detail regarding different methods to ensure that young asthmatic patients are kept out of the hospitals. “We know how to effectively treat pediatric asthma,” said Kavita Parikh, MD, pediatric hospitalist at Children’s National Health System. “There’s been a huge investment in terms of quality improvements that are reflected in how many papers there are about this topic in…

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Broccoli For Weight Loss: Why The Cruciferous Wonder Is Your Best Aid For Weight Loss

It is said that broccoli was first cultivated about 2000 years ago in Europe and was brought to other countries by Italians, and soon the exotic vegetable became a mainstay. Broccoli belongs to the group of cruciferous vegetables, and gets its name from the Italian word “broccolo,” which means a “cabbage sprout.” If you are into fitness or even remotely aware of the world where people like to eat healthy food, then you know that eating broccoli is quite healthy. So, what is it about the cruciferous wonder that makes it a…

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Benefits Of Vitamin D: Here’s Why You Should Load Up On The Sunshine Vitamin

Talk about some of the most important vitamins a human body needs; vitamin D tops the list. This wonder vitamin has turned out to be a key nourisher that protects most parts of our body and keep most health conditions at bay. Also known as the ‘sunshine’ vitamin, vitamin D is produced in your skin in response to sunlight. It is said to be fat-soluble vitamin that is vital for regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, two of which are known to strengthen bones and facilitate normal immune system…

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